Top 10 Web3 Metaverse Newsletters

Reading newsletters is important for businesses because it helps them stay up-to-date on industry news, events, and trends. This information can be used to make strategic decisions about marketing, product development, and other areas of the business. Additionally, reading newsletters can help businesses build relationships with other companies and thought leaders in their industry.

By reading newsletters, people can learn about the latest news and developments from the companies and brands they care about. In addition to staying informed and connected, reading newsletters can also help people save money. Many businesses offer special deals and discounts to newsletter subscribers. These offers can be for a percentage off of a purchase, free shipping, or other exclusive benefits. By reading newsletters, people can take advantage of these great deals and save money on the things they need and want.

Importance of Reading Metaverse Newsletters

With metaverse development in boom, it is important for people to cope up with the recent standards and this task can be simplified by regularly consuming knowledge. Newsletters are a great way for the same.

Reading newsletters help:

  1. To keep up with what’s going on in the metaverse – what new features are being developed, what new platforms are launching, etc.
  2. To learn about new projects and initiatives that you can get involved in.
  3. To find out about events and meetups that you can attend.
  4. To generally stay in the loop and be a part of the community.

But First, What is Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a user-generated virtual world. It is one of the earliest examples of a virtual world with a large userbase and active community. The Metaverse is accessed through a client program, which allows users to create avatars, explore the world, and interact with other users. The Metaverse is divided into a number of regions, each with its own geography and climate. There is also a variety of user-created content, including buildings, objects, and games.

Top Web3 and Metaverse Newsletters

Inside XR

Inside manages a series of newsletters. The Inside XR newsletter is a daily email newsletter that covers the latest news, products, and happenings in the world of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). It recently started a newsletter specifically dedicated to the metaverse. It covers a wide range of topics related to the metaverse, including news, interviews, product reviews, and opinion pieces. It was started because there was a need for a comprehensive, one-stop resource for information about the rapidly evolving world of VR, AR, and the Metaverse. The newsletter quickly gained a loyal following, and today it has over 10,000 subscribers.

The Immersive Wire

The Immersive Wire is a newsletter for metaverse enthusiasts, who want to stay up-to-date with the latest news, opinion and analysis on the metaverse. It was curated by Tom Ffiske around March 2020, and has since grown to over 5,000 subscribers. The newsletter covers a wide range of topics related to the metaverse, such as the latest news and developments, opinion and analysis pieces, interviews with industry experts, and much more. It also has a strong focus on promoting and supporting the development of the metaverse community, through events, meetups and other initiatives.

The Immersive Wire has quickly become one of the most popular newsletters for metaverse enthusiasts, and is essential reading for anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments in this rapidly growing industry. You can enjoy new content every Wednesday and Sunday.

TIME – Into the Metaverse

The TIME – Into the Metaverse newsletter is a weekly newsletter that covers the latest news and developments in the metaverse. It was started in November 2021 by Andrew Chow, a correspondent at TIME magazine. The newsletter has over 100,000 subscribers and covers topics such as the latest metaverse news, developments and platforms, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of the metaverse.

The newsletter is widely considered to be the authoritative source of information on the metaverse, and is frequently quoted in news articles and blog posts about the metaverse. The TIME – Into the Metaverse newsletter is an essential resource for anyone with an interest in the metaverse. Whether you’re a seasoned metaverse user or just getting started, the newsletter will keep you up-to-date with all the latest news and developments.


XRToday is a newsletter for metaverse enthusiasts, started in early 2020. It covers a wide range of topics related to virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality, with a focus on the business and enterprise applications of these technologies. The newsletter has a growing subscriber base of over 10,000 readers. The founders saw a need for a newsletter that would provide timely, in-depth coverage of the rapidly evolving field of XR, and recruited a team of experienced writers and editors to launch the publication.

The XRToday newsletter is published weekly, with each issue featuring a mix of original articles, news round-ups, interviews, and opinion pieces. Topics covered in recent issues have included the latest XR hardware and software developments, case studies of businesses using XR, and the future of the metaverse.

The Drum – Inside the Metaverse

Inside the Metaverse is a newsletter started by The Drum in 2020. It covers topics related to the Metaverse, including news, interviews, and opinion pieces. The newsletter has over 100,000 subscribers. The Drum – Inside the Metaverse is published on every Friday and is available for free. The newsletter covers various topics related to the metaverse, including the latest news and developments in the virtual world. It deep dives into the various developments of web3 and metaverse projects, their implications on the world economy and future scope.

The Essentials

The Essentials newsletter for metaverse was started by a group of passionate metaverse enthusiasts. It covers topics such as the latest news, developments and happenings in the metaverse industry, as well as providing tips and tricks for beginners. The newsletter has over 500 subscribers and is growing steadily. The Essentials newsletter is a great way to keep up with the latest metaverse news and developments, and to learn tips and tricks from the experts. If you’re interested in staying up-to-date with the metaverse, then subscribing to The Essentials is a must!

Vision Metaverse

The Vision Metaverse newsletter is a weekly email newsletter that covers the latest news and developments in the virtual reality and augmented reality industries. It was started by  industry insiders who saw the potential for these technologies to change the world. The newsletter covers a wide range of topics, from the latest hardware and software developments to the latest in VR and AR gaming and entertainment.

The Vision Metaverse newsletter is a great way to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and developments in the Metaverse, VR and AR industries. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in these rapidly evolving industries. The newsletter is free to subscribe to, and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you’re interested in the Metaverse, then you should definitely subscribe to the Vision Metaverse newsletter. It’s the best way to stay informed about all the latest news and developments in these industries.

Web3 University

Web3 University is an education platform started in September 2020 to educate millions online. It covers topics related to Web 3.0, including the latest news, research, and development in the field. It has over 200000 learners. The newsletter published gives more insights on the topic taught, and each issue includes a featured article, as well as news and updates on Web 3.0 projects and initiatives. Web3 University is a great resource for keeping up with the latest in Web 3.0, and for those who want to learn more about this emerging field. Metaverse topics are quite frequently covered in the course as well as the newsletter and hence this is a great way of grabbing good knowledge about web3 and metaverse.

NFT Plazas

NFT Plazas is a newsletter that covers the metaverse and all things related to it. The news site NFT Plazas was started in 2018. It covers topics such as latest news and updates on the metaverse, new and upcoming features, interviews with developers and creators, tutorials and guides The newsletter has over 100 subscribers and is growing every day. It also covers topics specifically in relation with the NFTs and Metaverse.  If you’re interested in staying up-to-date on all things metaverse, then NFT Plazas is the newsletter for you!

The Metaverse ETF

The Metaverse ETF newsletter is a monthly publication that covers the latest news and developments in the metaverse industry. It was founded in 2020 by Roundhill Investments, a leading provider of metaverse-related investment products and services. The newsletter has over 10,000 subscribers and is one of the most popular metaverse-related publications. It covers topics such as the latest metaverse news, developments and trends, investment opportunities, and metaverse-related events. The Metaverse ETF newsletter is a great resource for metaverse news and information. If you are looking for the latest news and developments in the metaverse industry, this is the newsletter for you.

Bonus: Metapoly

Metapoly is a newsletter specifically focused on a convention of Metaverse and DeFi combined. It covers updates, news, analytics, insights and more for various metaverse projects involving finance. It also takes a step forward to explain Metaverse and DeFi concepts. Metapoly was recently started and has 36 subscribers with the number increasing quickly.


This is an edition of the top Metaverse newsletter. Also to find the best news you can subscribe to all for a while and check out which one satisfies your requirements and meets your standards. You can subscribe and unsubscribe from these newsletters anytime with ease. Enjoy your journey of diving deep into the Metaverse, LFG!


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